Strong Suit Podcast

How She Built a Culture of Authenticity (Recruit Rockstars 424)



Ten years ago, Jilliene Helman was working in Union Bank’s wealth management group. She couldn’t help but notice that the bank’s wealthiest clients earned their fortunes in real estate. When our government passed the 2012 JOBS Act (intended to encourage funding of small businesses by easing securities regulations), Jilliene saw an opportunity. So she quit the bank. And created RealtyMogul. Her new way of investing in real estate has caught on. To put it mildly. Her firm has done over 300 deals, with a real estate value of $4 Billion. And lets everyday people access institutional-quality investments. Investors can participate in a deal at a time or invest in one of their REIT pooled vehicles with a diversified group of deals. Clearly, she’s onto something. Top investors Canaan Partners and Sorenson Capital have backed her vision. In this 20-minute conversation, Jilliene reveals how she’s built her 70-person team to shake up the real estate investment field.