Strong Suit Podcast

Entrepreneur Builds an Actual Ironman (Recruit Rockstars 383)



Love the movie Ironman? Or your childhood tv show The Six Million Dollar Man? Well, I recently met an entrepreneur who’s building a futuristic technology by recruiting a genius team. And his story inspired me. Coincident with founding his previous company, Drew Perkins developed cataracts in his eyes. He underwent cataract surgery to implant advanced Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) in both eyes, essentially giving him bionic eyes. While his new bionic eyes gave him perfect vision near & far, they still had some deficiencies. So, he decided to start a company to solve the problem, not just for himself, but for millions of other people in the world. He founded Mojo Vision with exactly that goal: to give all people superpowers, even if they have impaired vision. His team is creating the Mojo Lens, the first true Smart Contact Lens. The Mojo Lens will help people struggling with low vision by projecting enhanced image overlays onto their retinas. It provides real-time contrast & lighting enhancements as well as