Strong Suit Podcast

Recruit Rockstars 377: How a Chicago Attorney Founded a VC-Backed Rocketship



You don’t find many attorneys running VC-backed tech startups. But here’s one. Jacob Babcock is Founder & CEO of NuCurrent, which recently raised another $11M. With over 100 patents, NuCurrent is the leading developer of high-efficiency wireless power solutions. They work closely with electronic device OEMs & integrators to determine the best implementation of wireless power for their product. Jacob’s timing couldn’t be better, as wireless is all the rage. With a team of 40 & growing, he’s raised capital from IU Ventures, Purple Arch Ventures, Alumni Ventures Group, HBS Angels Chicago, and Independence Equity. In this 20-min conversation, Jacob reveals how he hires, including the importance of crafting a Scorecard for each position.