Strong Suit Podcast

Recruit Rockstars 372: He Raised $35M VC so that You Can Hire Remotely



Here’s the perfectly-named & ideally-timed company of 2020: Remote. Its CEO & Co-Founder, Job van der Voort, is based in Portugal. And he just raised $35M in Venture Capital so that You can hire the best people remotely in just an hour… Even across the globe. The pandemic has been rough on the work world. But the silver lining: you’re no longer limited to hiring the best people in your town. Now you can hire the best from the world. This opens up a new chapter in hiring. But if you’re going to do it, you need to abide by the rules & regulations of the states & countries of your new hire. And that can be super complex. But it doesn’t need to be. Job’s company Remote handles everything … Payroll, benefits, compliance when you hire internationally. (You don’t need to be an expert on Liechtenstein’s labor laws.) Before starting Remote, Job was VP Product for GitLab a distributed company… so he’s been doing this for long before the pandemic. His investors include Sequoia Capital, Two Sigma Ventures