Therapist Clubhouse A Podcast For Private Practice Entrepreneurs With Annie Schuessler

Claim Your Unique Framework With Hillary Rea



Why is it important to have a unique framework as opposed to just being magic at what you do? And how do you find your framework? When I started coaching entrepreneurs, I was helping them one by one, using methods I learned from other people and co-creating the experience each time. Nothing wrong with that. Then over time I developed a framework that includes lots of parts that are uniquely mine. To claim my framework I had to first observe it, then get clear about the elements, write it all down and then articulate it for the people I help. And I refine it over time. Having a framework has deepened my work and set me free. You'll hear more about how that happens for me in this conversation. But much more than that, you'll learn from my guest. Hillary Rea is the founder of Tell Me A Story. She trains entrepreneurs, leaders, and change makers how to use the art of storytelling as a powerful communication tool. In this episode you'll hear what claiming her framework has made possible. Here's some of what we tal