

How do you do feminism in your business? How do you run a thriving, profitable business while living your feminist anti-oppression values? That's the question we're tackling today. I'll give one small example of how feminism has played out in my business: the progression of images of myself I have put out over the last 10 years. I've had my photos done 4 times, 5 if you include the time my wife took a bunch of photos of me because I just really needed some new photos. For the first couple of photo shoots, I was focused on getting "good" photos taken. That meant kind of trying to look "pretty" and also relatable. without realizing it, I was asking my photographer to package me the way I'd seen other successful coaches being packaged: feminine, smiling, and in pink. The last time I got my photos taken, I asked my photographer, Sarah Deragon to co-create something more interesting and less expected. I asked her to help me bring out some more masculine energy, to NOT focus on making me look "pretty" and to play w