

I got something wrong this year. In August I said that to be right for my programs, you have to want to make at least 20k in the next year from your new business beyond the therapy room. I said that this should be your goal. Here’s why that didn’t work: Your biggest reasons for leveling up are not about money. When you’re in touch with your big reasons (again, not money), you tend to make money. Focusing on 20K sometimes puts Rebels in negative mindset spaces: grasping, comparison, or scarcity. Rebel Therapists need to lean into a mindset space of curiosity, experimentation and creativity. That’s how you’ll get through the times when your current experiment fails. We look at two examples of entrepreneurs who don’t focus primarily on short-term financial goals. They focus on creating value, following what matters most to them, and serving people who are the most engaged with what they have to offer. Kim Restivo Lange, our guest from episode 114, talked about why she ended a profitable program to start a mem