Secular Soup

#94 - WTH is Digital Blackface? Featuring Nikki with a K



This week the Amieys have an absolute blast hanging out with Nikki from the Unapologetix podcast. If you’ve heard the term “digital blackface” but don’t quite understand the concept, this is the episode for you. As always, this episode contains (a lot of) salty language. Consider yourself warned. Listen to Nikki and Brently on Unapologetix! You can also hear Brently in this week’s amazing outro! Please consider giving us all (or some) of your moneyz on Patreon at Or on PayPal at PLEASE RECORD AN OUTRO FOR US! Here’s everything you need to know: New outro project info Check out Amy's new podcast - "Okay Then, A Fargo Retrospective" Go follow Amy’s brother’s new YouTube channel. It’s funny. Follow Amy’s cats on Instagram! @chappychouchou We should probably thank Mr. Eli Bosnick for recording the Secular Soup Creed for us like a champ. He’s the cat’s pajamas. That's Deanna Joy Lyons you hear in our