R And R Property Podcast With The Real Estate Girl Denise Haynes

#16: How to Attract Tree Changers to Your Property



At R & R Property, through our extensive research, we know that the majority of our buyers are tree changers (clients leaving the city or highly suburban areas to move to the country) and where they are coming from. As a group, we generally know their habits, their dreams and their concerns. What we are finding though is that they have an ideal property style in their mind and we know that what we have with a little razzle dazzle could be what they’re looking for. But, they can’t see this. They can’t see past the privet lined creek bank, the farm rubbish lying around the paddock, the falling down old dairy. You – the seller, need to make it easier for them! So what we suggest to our sellers who may be receiving inspections, but their property keeps getting rejected is to look at it from a city persons point of view. Does your property appeal? Is it magazine worthy? Buyers today expect a well presented home in a certain style and a property to match. They would like to be able to envisage their stylish fur