R And R Property Podcast With The Real Estate Girl Denise Haynes

#3: How to relax in the country?



We live in a crazy mixed up world these days, and there is one absolute certainty that has come from this - stress is one of our major killers. We race from minute to minute, hour to hour trying to fit so much in. So much more is expected of us than it was of our forbears. At the end of every week I marvel at how quickly the time has gone, and how it feels like the week just began. And don’t get me started on the years flying by! I have found myself lately wondering why this is so. Then I remember that each week at work I am flying from job to job, managing the team, putting out constant fires, trying to win new business, trying to make ends meet. As well as this I am making sure my daughter is organised for each school day, play dates, excursions, parties etc etc. Then of course there are family commitments and social functions which crop up in an ever-increasing frenzy towards the end of the year. Add to this a house to keep, meals to cook, groceries to buy … the list goes on and on. But if there is one thi