What's Next! With Tiffani Bova

Future Ready with Nick Davis



Welcome to the What's Next! podcast with Tiffani Bova.       This week I am thrilled to welcome Nick Davis to the show! Nick is a managing partner at Reaching the Future Faster and author of the Amazon Best-Seller: Future Ready: A Change Makers Guide to the Exponential Revolution. He is the prior V.P. of Enterprise Solutions and the current Faculty Chair for Corporate Innovation at Singularity University. Nick is a recognized thought leader in the innovation space who specializes in identifying exponential trends that enable enterprise organizations to deliver customer value through new and existing technology platforms. He is also a Venture Partner at Bold Capital, which invests in high-growth startups that leverage exponential technologies. He’s previously served as External Innovation Leader for PwC and the Director of Corporate Development for The Anderson School of Management at UCLA.    THIS EPISODE IS PERFECT FOR… anyone looking to be Future Ready!    TODAY’S MAIN MESSAGE… Nick is talking