What's Next! With Tiffani Bova

GenY: The Next Generation of Leadership with Adam Kingl



Welcome to the What's Next! podcast with Tiffani Bova.  This week I am thrilled to be speaking with Adam Kingl. Adam is an author and keynote speaker who educates future leaders on culture, purpose, team dynamics, the future of work, creativity, strategic innovation, management innovation, and the generational paradigms of work and leadership. He is Adjunct Faculty at Ashridge – Hult International Business School.  He was the Regional Managing Director, Europe, for Duke Corporate Education and the Executive Director of Thought Leadership and Learning Solutions for London Business School. Adam’s new book, Next Generation Leadership, is out now. I am delighted to have Adam Kingl on the What’s Next! Podcast.      THIS EPISODE IS PERFECT FOR… managers, leaders, CEOs, Start-ups, entrepreneurs and anyone recruiting and/or managing young professionals!    TODAY’S MAIN MESSAGE… Adam helps us understand how best to navigate five generations of workers in the workforce for the first time in history, especially