What's Next! With Tiffani Bova

Innovation and Continuous Connection with Christian Terwiesch



Welcome to the What's Next! podcast with Tiffani Bova.  This week I have the absolute pleasure of speaking with Professor Christian Terwiesch on the show. Christian is a Professor in Wharton’s Operations and Information Management department, co-director of Penn’s Mack Institute for Innovation Management, and also holds a faculty appointment In Penn’s Perelman School of Medicine. He is the co-author of Matching Supply with Demand, a widely used textbook in Operations Management. He launched the first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in business on Coursera based on the book and since its inception, more than half a million students have enrolled. His first management book, Innovation Tournaments, details a new process-based approach to innovation and has inspired innovation tournaments around the world. His latest book, Connected Strategies, combines his expertise in the fields of operations, innovation, and strategy to help companies take advantage of digital technology leading to new business models. In