What's Next! With Tiffani Bova

How to Stand Out and Establish an Expert Reputation with Dorie Clark



Welcome to the What's Next! podcast with Tiffani Bova.  This week I am beyond thrilled to be speaking with the fantastic Dorie Clark. Dorie Clark is an author, sought after consultant, speaker, and adjunct professor at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. She is the author of Entrepreneurial You (named one of the most important business books of 2017 by Inc.), Reinventing You, and Stand Out (named #1 Leadership Book of 2015 by Inc.). A former presidential campaign spokeswoman, the New York Times describes her as an “expert at self-reinvention and helping others make changes in their lives.” I am excited to have Dorie Clark on the What’s Next! Podcast today to answer some of your biggest questions!  THIS EPISODE IS PERFECT FOR… Entrepreneurs budding or otherwise, those looking to advance and position themselves successfully, professional in sales, marketing, and beyond who want to know more about branding and building expertise.  TODAY’S MAIN MESSAGE… So, how do you really become known for your e