What's Next! With Tiffani Bova

Innovation from the Battlefield to the Boardroom with Pete Newell



Welcome to the What's Next! podcast with Tiffani Bova.   This week I am excited to be chatting with retired army colonel and Silicon Valley Investor Peter Newell! Pete is the co-founder and a managing partner of BMNT, an innovation company that provides early-stage investment to companies developing technology for the commercial market that have relevant applications in solving national security problems. He is a co-author of Hacking for Defense, a platform that merged the rapid problem-solving techniques curated on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan with a lean startup methodology developed by Steve Blank in Silicon Valley. Pete is a former Army Ranger who has received numerous military awards and decorations, including the Silver Star and the Presidential Unit Citation. It's an honor to have Pete on with us today to discuss innovation, deploying, and forward-thinking.   THIS EPISODE IS PERFECT FOR… Leaders who are interested in identifying and fixing problems and who want to move their teams and compa