Cantor Azi Schwartz

Shir Hadash



Shiru lAdonai shir hadash, shiru lAdonai kol ha-aretz. Shiru lAdonai, bar’khu sh’mo, basru mi-yom l’yom y’shu·ato. Sapru va-goyim k’vodo, b’khol ha-amim niflotav. Ki gadol Adonai u-m’hulal m’od, norah hu al kol-elohim. Ki kol-elohei ha-amim elilim, vAdonai shamayim asah. Hod v’hadar l’fanav, oz v’tiferet b’mikdasho. Havu lAdonai mishp’hot amim, havu lAdonai kavod va-oz. Havu lAdonai k’vod sh’mo, s’u minhah u-vo·u l’hatzrotav. Sing a new song to Adonai, renew yourselves, all people on earth. Sing to Adonai, praise God for daily help. Proclaim God’s glory and wonders to all the world. Revere Adonai beyond all that is worshipped. All of the gods are nothingness, but Adonai created the heavens. Majesty and might accompany Adonai, splendor and strength adorn God’s sanctuary. Acknowledge Adonai, all families of the nations, acknowledge God’s majestic power. Acknowledge God’s glory and bring tribute. Ofer Bashan, arr. Eldor Ofer Bashan is a composer, singer-songwriter and music instructor. His songs have topped I