Durenda Wilson

Is There Hope For My Kids In A World That Seems To Be Falling Apart (Podcast 55)



News, online media, newspapers and a constant stream of information can put us on edge as people, but especially as moms. There are things happening that we never imagined would be happening and they are happening faster than ever.  We can't help but wonder what kind of world our kids will be growing into. Today I want to share HOPE with you...hope that we have as believers and hope that our children have for their futures. Please listen in and BE ENCOURAGED! Scriptures shared in podcast: 2 Timothy 3:1-5 Philippians 4:6,7 2 Timothy 1:8-11 Isaiah 40:18-31 Daniel 2:21,22 Psalm 34:8 Psalm 31:19 Psalm 84:11 Matthew 28:18-21 James 1:2-8 Homeschooling Through a Crisis (Podcast: Found here on SoundCloud or on my blog)