Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

September Angel Reading



Welcome September! There is so much I have to share with you in this months episode. There are a lot of cosmic events coming up and global events that are drawing our attention. It may seem overwhelming at times but we’re being called to hold our light so that we can stand strong in our power. During the September Angel Reading I share: - The themes for the month ahead and how they will effect us. - Intuitive messages for September & their importance. - Key astrological events and dates and the significance of the energy they bring. - Angel cards for the month and the guidance they offer. - Angels to work with so you can stay balanced and uplifted. And a lot more! Thank you for tuning in and following the callings of your heart and soul. We are working towards a new earth and each of us has an important role to play. Tune in to the full episode here: My intention is that the insights will inspire you to live in alignment with the cosmic forces at play and to embrace your highest potential. Enjoy and h