Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

Spiritual Awakening with Helen Hamilton



Recently I had a conversation that I had been looking forward to for a long time. I was delighted to have the opportunity to chat with Author Helen Hamilton. Helen is a spiritual teacher and after struggling through her own awakening several years ago she was driven by the urge to simplify awakening for all beings. “I just sat with this fear, and I didn’t try to defend myself against it… the strongest fear I’d ever felt, but there was this bliss too and peace, and I didn’t even think it was possible to feel those things at the same time. And I really got in that moment that it’s not fear itself, it’s just an energy… I was experiencing my thoughts about this fear and if I stopped that, which I can step out of in a moment with a question… that it was really just a set of intense sensations running through the body when I wasn’t resisting them. It changed everything for me.” ~ Helen Hamilton During this episode we chat about: - What exactly it means to be awakened. - How Helen overcame her fears and anxieti