Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

The Four Pillars of Wellness with Alison Mendyka



In this truly nourishing conversation, Alison Mendyka shares her journey and struggles with her self-image and how she resisted meditation until it steered her away from diet-culture and directly towards the ONLY method that helped her break free from a decade of weight struggles. In this episode you’ll hear about: - Using movement as a gateway for transformation for better physical, mental and emotional health. - How weight issues can be a symptom of internal struggles. - Healing body image and body shame through spiritual practices. - The relationship between emotions and food. - Three questions to ask before sitting down to a meal (or snack). - The four pillars of wellness and how to easily incorporate them into each day. I loved hearing her insights, especially how her wellness practices intersect with spiritually… it’s not a case of one or the other, all come together beautifully and support each other. If you’ve been struggling with weight or body image, my hope is that this conversation will open