Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

5 Signs You’re An Empath



It’s funny because it wasn’t until I started practicing Reiki that I realised I was an Empath. I always thought it was something that only a “special” few had as a gift but now I know that more and more of us identify as being empathic. If you’re still not sure if that’s you or not, don’t worry, in this episode I clarify what an empath is and how to know if you are an empath or not. I also share the story about the Reiki session I was giving where it became clear to me that I was an empath and how it came as a bit of a surprise! As an Empath I know how important it is to realise when you are taking on others emotions and how to protect your energy so you’re not acting like a sponge and absorbing everyone else’s “stuff”. If you can relate, tune into this episode to learn more. See full show notes here: I hope you love this podcast. If you'd like to see more, please subscribe to get the latest episodes. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: