Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

Episode 44: Staying Uplifted in a World that Wants to Bring You Down!



I recently read an article that reported about how the world is a greener place now than it was twenty years ago, due to tree planting programs in China and India. We don’t often read positive stories like this about positive initiatives happening around the world, but there are many, many more examples of inspiring stories and work that is being done if we look for them. Unfortunately, we only hear about the tragedies, devastation and drama that the news reports. We don’e have to ignore what’s happening in the world but we also don’t have to let it drag our energy down. It can be difficult to stay inspired and uplifted when you’re bombarded with bad news. But there is a way and it’s SO important now more than ever to consciously choose to stay uplifted. Why? Because your energy creates your reality. In this weeks episode of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast I explain more about this and I share the practices I do each day to keep my energy uplifted. Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes