Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

Episode 35: Six Signs You’re Progressing on Your Spiritual Path



Have you noticed that as your spiritual journey evolves, your life begins to reshape itself, sometimes in ways that can seem confusing? Often it may seem like you’re taking two steps backwards but from a spiritual perspective you’re taking giant leaps forward. In this episode I wanted to demystify some of the occurrences that can come about as you deepen your spiritual practice. I talk about certain changes which I’ve experienced myself, and I often hear about others talking about the same occurrences in their lives. If you want to find out if you’re experiencing the same developments in your life, today’s episode will reveal six signs to look out for. Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes - Fiercely Spiritual Podcast on iTunes or Sandra Rea on YouTube. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook: