Nice Jewish Fangirls

Purim, Seriously (Episode 37)



It’s almost time for Purim, and this year, the Nice Jewish Fangirls are considering a slightly more serious side of the holiday. Michal and SM are joined by rabbi, author, and certified nerd MaNishtana to break down the issues of cultural appropriation and Blackface that often occur on Purim. Why is it so hurtful? How do fictional stories deal with appropriation and Blackface, and what does that teach us? And how do this misguided costumes completely contradict the joyfulness and generosity that define Purim? The Fangirls and MaNishtana also share their obsessions over new trailers for Avengers: Endgame and Aladdin, and the Netflix series Travelers and The Dragon Prince… and come to the dawning realization that literally everything is now Disney (except Star Trek.) For more information on cultural appropriation and its impact on Jews of Color, please check out these resources: