Strong By Choice

Ep. 12 Time Management Myths



Proper time management helps  to get more things done in a shorter time, which ultimately gives you more free time to enjoy activities and people you actually care about.In this weeks episode we discuss the steps we’ve taken to practice better time management and overcoming the struggles we have with not meeting our self imposed expectations. Here are a few tips for time management and to eliminate unnecessary amount of stress .  Set realistic goalsBe honest with yourself of what you’re actually capable of doing. Don’t add on more than you can efficiently and properly finish/conduct.2.Don’t stress a missed deadlineWe impose strict deadlines for ourselves and when we don’t meet them we beat ourselves up about it. Instead of doing that save it for the next day3.Designate blocks of timeCreating time blocks for certain tasks helps us to stay focused on one thing at a time. Sometimes our thoughts start to drift on other things. Refocus your mind on what is in front of you until its completed or the selected time f