

Solo traveling is vital to finding oneself as a traveler. Be you at a hostel in Argentina, a farm in Brazil, or a crossroads in Vietnam, traveling solo and making decisions by yourself can help you find yourself both as a traveler and as a person. Lifting the veil off your eyes and being the purest version of yourself will aid you in losing yourself so far that you become found.   Check out our website at: Travel Stories Podcast Online Email Hayden (he’ll answer everything) at: Follow Hayden on Twitter and send him a Tweet (he’ll really answer everything) at: @travelstoriesuk on Twitter All musical composition and arrangement for story scores by Cody Crabb, who can be found at his website: All show notes and writing for episodes by Nicole Mello, who can be found at her website: Works By N.L. Mello Add Hayden on Snapchat to follow his journey through Brazil at: travelstoriesuk Check us out on Facebook at: Travel Stories Podcast Facebook Live videos are on Tuesda