Life In Motion

Turning Pain Into Power - An interview with Sydney Williams of Hiking My Feelings



In this episode we interview Sydney Williams, who is the founder of Hiking My Feelings, an organization all about sharing the healing power of nature with others. Sydney grew up in Kansas, but decided to move to the west coast after college. After getting a gig as the online voice for Oscar Myer Weiner, she soon found herself as a big wig marketer for fortune 500 companies. After all her hard work she finally made it - but that's not what she would tell you. The long hours and stress that came along with her career was wearing her down, on top of unexpectedly being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. It wasn't until one gloomy day looking over the San Diego skyline from atop a mountain that she realized the thing that grounded her was getting outdoors and simply hiking. Thus the concept for Hiking My Feelings was born. She decided to ditch the corporate world and chase her inherent passion to help others through the healing powers of nature. Now she inspires hundreds of individuals that have faced