Life In Motion

Enough Is Enough - An interview about adventures, science and fear with Eva Holland



In this episode we interview Eva Holland, who is the author of 'Nerve: Adventures in the Science of Fear'. As a kid Eva dreamt of becoming a writer and could typically be found hanging out in a mall. After graduating college she decided to move to the Yukon to pursue her dream, which is where her hobbies changed. Instead of browsing the latest fashion trends, she spent her time hiking, backpacking and even snowmobiling. Unfortunately as her outdoor experience grew, so did her internal fear - specifically when it came to steep climbs. She decided that enough was enough. With the help of some surprising forms of therapy, Eva was able to take back control. If you've ever wondered how the crippling effects of fear can be overcome, then this one's for you! Tweet us and let us know what you think of this episode! @illuminecollect