Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Don't Downsize! on Paleo Quick Tip of the Day podcast



Your own PaleoJay is 67 years old.  Basically, I do everything I did at younger ages, but now I have the luxury of more free time to do what I want.  I always knew the crucial importance of sleep, but I usually could only manage 8 hours during my working years, which was adequate for me- but now, I have determined that 9 hours is ideal.  That amount of sleep leaves me feeling energized and refreshed for the day, raring to go if you will.  I love being retired, with only hobbies like paleo living and music, writing and small landholding concerns to occupy me.  Love.But all about me, others of my age, and younger, are downsizing.  This is the ‘mantra of the moment’- something every monkey as I term them, has to mindlessly copy, since all of their friends (the other monkeys) are doing it.  “Monkey see- monkey do.”  People who don’t actually think for themselves, who only look around, see what others are doing- and then copy that.  Others in my age bracket are moving south, or into smaller houses or even condomin