Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Be a Hero on Paleojay's Smoothie Cafe



‘I hate luxury. I exercise moderation…It will be easy to forget your vision and purpose once you have fine clothes, fast horses and beautiful women. [In which case], you will be no better than a slave, and you will surely lose everything.’That quote is from Genghis Khan.  Now, he is no hero to me, but still his words ring with truth.  Whatever Genghis was, he certainly was successful!  He conquered the largest land mass in all of history; he was kind of an Eastern Alexander the great.  I think the quote is germane, because what I see in the modern, Western world is a falling away from virtue, from our ancient traditions and ideals.  We have allowed ourselves to become slothful, to be liberal in our thinking, since that makes us look  politically correct and fashionable.  In England, France, Sweden, and much of the rest of Europe in the E.U., we have not only allowed endless migration from non-western peoples into our advanced, high IQ, wealthy cultures; but we have paid for it all in welfare dollars!  Our lea