Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Gain Maximum Strength in 10 MInutes per Day on Paleo Quick Tip of the Day podcast



This is not a misprint or a mistaken statement: you can indeed gain your own ultimate strength potential in 10 minutes per day!I mean that sincerely.  Now, it won’t bulk you up like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but it WILL make you as strong as you, given your own frame and bodyweight, can be.  In FACT, this protocol will make you extremely ripped and lean, and strong beyond what anyone would ever suspect!  Now, doesn’t that sound about perfect, really?  Who really wants to bulk up, especially after the age of 30 or so? Isn’t lean, sculpted strength and ability really what we are all after?  Especially amongst women- what woman wants to be bulky?   Don’t we all want strength and functional ability, strength that includes that of tendons and ligaments, and is there for us lifelong.  Real world strength and resiliance- the power to lift heavy things without injury, to manhandle weights and resistance beyond what the vast majority of our contemporaries can budge!  And for our whole lives long.This goal can be achieved