Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Leftist Globalist Elitists are the Enemy of Ancestral Living on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe podcast



http://www.paleojay.comYes, history does repeat itself, over and over.  The details are very, very different throughout time, but the gist of it remains the same:  Self styled elites, which in ancient days meant Kings and Emperors, Warlords and Dictators- they are constantly trying to control, to micromanage, to tell everyone else how to live, and what to do- endlessly!  These fake “leaders” will order us around endlessly, unless we stop them.In Western Civilization, this has been one of the primary concerns, and one of our greatest successes!  From the Magna Carta, which outlined the protection of ordinary folk from the dictates of despots, to the Declaration of Independence, from which the founding fathers declared the God-given, inalienable rights of mankind.These were triumphs of Western Civilization, and set the stage for the longest, brightest ascent of human achievement and the reign of peace in all of recorded history.  Centuries of a shining light on a hill- that is the history of modern, western civ