Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Bread CAN be Healthy! On Paleo Quick Tip of the Day podcast



There, I said it- bread can actually be good for you!  I can scarcely believe that I actually said that, but there it is.  Properly prepared bread, meaning a true, made from sour dough starter, can be a worthwhile addition to your paleo diet, but it needs to be a true sour dough bread.This means a bread that is risen without commercial yeast, and without any other addititives such as sugar, oils, ‘bread conditioners’, and the like!  One theory is that the use of conventional, GMO grains (that are heavily sprayed with glyphosate), along with the sugars, vegetable oils, and many dough additives and preservatives are why modern breads are so very unhealthy.Do, you need to seek out (or else bake your own) loaf; one that has only non-GMO grain (I think rye is the best, both flavor-wise and health-wise), is naturally leavened with wild yeasts, and is free of all other additives other than water and the milled grain itself.  Anything else and it is not really sour dough, and is something that will only hurt your hea