Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Paleo People Own Weapons on PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe



I am dismayed by how misled the people of modern Western civilization have become!  Not only do they eat fake, food-like substances (as recommended by ‘science’) like low fat dairy, rancid industrial seed oils (ala vegetable oils and margarine), and grain fed meat:  They also hate ‘evil firearms’, since the Big Government has told them that they are- completely evil!  They’re not.  Guns are simply tools, like electric drills, my tractor, and chainsaw- things that woud have been highly prized throughout all times and places, because they represent and embody power.  The power to stop crime, injustice, attack and real evil.  To protect our families and neighbors, to stop invaders from hostile tribes.  And, most importantly- to thwart the deprecations of our OWN governments, when they have become too dominant and evil to be stopped by negotiations and reason!  Trust me, if a tribal leader back in paleolithic times decided to attack his own tribespeople, he would have met a spear versus the spear of his own!  A r