Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Stay Away from Doctors, Clinics, Hospitals, Dentists, and even Vets! pqtd



Stay Away From Doctors, Dentists, and Hospitals pqtVeterinarians too!  I know that to most folks this statement seems extreme, irresponsible, and downright crazy.  And, if it does to you, it means you are one of the indoctrinated, and I would encourage you to think it through, and give me the suspension of your disbelief for a little while.Every time you go to the doctor, you will be recommended (actually, pretty much ordered to undergo a plethora of tests and ‘services’, where your blood is tested, blood pressure taken, cholesterol measured, and dozens of other procedures that will absolutely insist that you are on the brink of death, or at least of severe diseases!  I don’t care who you are, or how healthy and wonderful you felt when you arrived at the clinic- these tests prove that you need lots of expensive medications, possibly a surgery or two, and some very expensive procedures that will cost you, or your insurance, or medicare, or someone tons of money.  All payable to that hospital, doctor, and clini