Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Be a Part Time Carnivore on Paleo Quick tip of the day podcast



The big news in Paleo right now is the Carnivore diet- that is, a diet where you only eat animal products! Holy Beef Sticks, Batman- can that really be good??” The short answer is, yes, it can indeed. As the famous psychologist Jordan Peterson says, after such a diet healed his daughter’s severe arthritis, she convinced him to try it. He was already on a beef and greens diet, which had helped his several conditions immensely, but when she convinced him to eat a totally carnivorous diet- it cured everything, including psoriasis, a loss of 50 pounds of fat, periodontal disease- and even his lifelong depression! And this is from a man who is a really deep and incisive thinker: if you haven’t already, check out some of his myriads of videos on youtube and elsewhere. And here is a video by his daughter, who was really dyi