Knowing God With Greg Laurie

The 1st Jesus Movement | Sunday Message



How should Christians live in the midst of social upheaval? In a timely message, Pastor Greg Laurie offers encouragement—as well as a blueprint—for countercultural living from the book of Acts. Listen in for the launch of a new series, The Upside Down Life! Notes We are living in a time where right is wrong and wrong is right. Pray for divine intervention. The word revolution not only means “upheaval” and “change;” it also means “turning around” or “rotating.” The death of Jesus was God’s predetermined plan (Acts 2:23–24).  “Organized Christianity which fails to make a disturbance is dead.” —G. Campbell Morgan The book of Acts is simply a picture of normal Christianity. The book of Acts is a record of the acts of the Holy Spirit, covering a 30-year period from AD 33–63. The book of Acts was authored by the Holy Spirit, speaking through Dr. Luke. The name Theophilus means, “Lover of God.”  1. Before you can change the world, you must first be changed.  The disciple’s greatness was not because of wh