



Roky Erickson passed away last Friday. The impact his music and his spirit have had on the world of music and art is absolutely immeasurable. A singular figure in the world of Psychedelic Rock music and a symbol of how one can absolutely overcome the worst possible odds of all time and end up on top. It feels so surreal to think of how he's gone, but in these situations, where people we care about die, I think it's best to spend time thinking about them and helping cement the memory you wish to remember most about them for the foreseeable future. For me, that memory is seeing Roky walking around downtown Austin with a tote bag on his shoulder at one of my first South by Southwests. At the time, I had a negative association of men wearing bags like that, but seeing Roky wear one meant it was okay, and that I was mistaken. From that day forward, a tote bag has been my bag of choice when going out and about. It's proven itself to be an incredibly utilitarian and valuable decision in my life, and i