
BLASST 93: New York City...Again!



Today's BLASST is a little late. Gimme a break, I'm out and about in the world! I'm actually just in New York City again, (see BLASST #23 for my first visit), but while it may be one city, it's filled with people, food, and languages from all over the world. An "American" city in that it is a prime example of how immigrants have managed to forge lives for themselves despite oppressive living conditions, ever-ascending rent rates, and a constantly changing world surrounding them. Even the homeless people make up a key component of what this city represents: possibility. I know that sounds silly, but the way I see it, even folks who don't have a roof over their heads and walk around reeking of their own urine refuse to leave, so that has to say something about what this place means to the people that live in it. I've only been here a few days and still have another few to go, but already I'm getting both exhausted (you have to walk everywhere, who thought that up?) a