
BLASST #66: 11/5/18



In short, today's episode has me a bit frustrated. I kept getting stuck reading headlines about the military's operations on the border aka my BACKYARD. It's surreal to say the least, and hard to think of as real, despite there being evidence to the fact. I featured excerpts from two different news stations on the show, one from a national outlet, Democracy now, and one from a local outlet, KRGV Channel 5, which I've been watching since I was a kid. The perspectives are very different. Where Democracy Now is a left-leaning operation, they also make sure to feature some of the more damning and volatile part of the news cycle, while our local station (one of 3) gathers a variety of opinions (from people who actually cross the border regularly, aka older latines who have a very complicated perspective on life in the rio grande valley. Nothing has ever been simple here since it was overtaken by white entrepreneurs in the 10s and 20s looking to establish a new tourist attraction on the border.