Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

He was using every day, had overdosed at one point, it was getting in the way of his life yet, he still didn't think he had a problem: Chaz B EP 126



Chaz grew up in a northern suburb of Philadelphia. As a smart kid, he quickly got bored with school and was labeled as one of those that "couldn't pay attention" and was "too hard to manage."  His parents did what many parents would do, they took him to the doctor where he was diagnosed and prescribed medication... as happens all too often. As he got older he started dabbling with other mood and mind-altering substances. One thing that's interesting about Chaz's experience is he doesn't have the typical "down and out" drug addict story. He wasn't a troubled teen in and out of jail or foster care. He didn't have drug-addicted parents. He didn't grow up in a bad neighborhood.  He had a traditional middle-class upbringing. His parents stayed married, he did well in school, went to college, and got into the professional workforce... all while using.  I few things that are interesting to point out in this episode are Chaz's misperception of what having a drug problem looked like, how he viewed prescription drugs v