Ted Shuttlesworth Jr.

111- 5 Ingredients of Successful Soul Winning



Every believer is called to win souls for Christ. However, many aren't fulfilling their purpose. There are specific ingredients that will ensure you'll become a successful soul winner. Today, I'm going to give you what I consider to be the five most important.  Get exclusive emails and our free magazine here: http://bit.ly/2WlgS6N Get text messages from me: http://bit.ly/2XoOapG I want to highly recommend our online training courses found at https://www.miraclewordu.com/ Each course is designed to equip you with biblical knowledge that will give you the fuel to overcome in every area of life. Sow a seed and help us change this generation before it's too late: http://bit.ly/2B81pjY For more great content, follow me on Instagram: @tedshuttlesworth and Facebook: @MiracleWordMinistries