Bradley Laird's Grass Talk Radio - Bluegrass

GTR-152 - Ad Lib Thoughts


Sinopsis - Episode 152 Ad Lib Thoughts I started this episode three times. Each time I hit record I began wandering off on little rabbit trails and I would hit stop, gather my thoughts, and then begin anew. I have an idea that I am not the only person with that type of thinking processes right now.   In this episode, after a quick email from one of your fellow listeners (who only had one simple question) I talk about breathing and its relation to relaxed playing, I talk about the ultimate master of focused, laser beam concentrated picking (the pickle jar effect), how fear can harm your playing abilities, and I give a little shout out to the Josh Cole Bluegrass Podcast.   Keep your chin up, folks!   If you enjoy my podcast I hope you will keep this show going and growing by joining "the club" over on my Patreon page. Thank you, patrons! You can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at  My full website is located at http://www.brad