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210b: Hitchens - Eschatology is inseparable from religious faith



“Remember again part of our charge against religion, our belief that it is fundamentally wicked and antihuman, is precisely its eschatology. Religion is predicated on the idea that our time here is short and should be shorter, that our job is to bring on the end of days. This is just a veil of tears and guilt and shame. This, the only life we have—the only life we have that contains music and art and literature and solidarity and sex and love—all of this should be swept away. We can’t wait for the end times to come. That’s what they all have to believe.” SHOW NOTES: “God is Not Great”  Hitchens books: Peterson-Žižek debate - Wikipedia  Slavoj Zizek debates Jordan Peterson 285: STRATEGY. How the Log Way Around is The Shortest Distance Between Two Points