Banned Books

34: Turning the Metaphorical Gun on Ourself



This week, Gillespie and Riley tackle your questions and comments. We discuss election, Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Bible translations, Sunday School, and much, much more.  Our Text: There is no text this week, just your wonderful, probing, sometimes chaffing questions and comments. Show Notes:  Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia by Allan D. Fitzgerald Augustine of Hippo: A Biography First Edition, Forty-Fifth Anniversary Edition by Peter Brown Calvin’s Institutes Book 3, Chapter 21 Lutheran Confessions, Solid Declaration, XI Double-ended podcast recording  The Sunday School movement Wilhelm Löhe Thinking Fellows on Isalm #50 and #90 Forde episodes Captivation of the Will - Forde From Luther to Kierkegaard, Pelikan A History of Lutheranism F. Bente’s Introduction to the Lutheran Confessions — Questions? Comments? Show Ideas? Send them to us at Please subscribe, rate, and review the show in Apple Podcasts: