Learn True Health With Ashley James

27 Cannabis The Healing Plant with Oleg and Ashley James on The Learn True Health Podcast



Oleg of Green Bloom For Humanity is Ashley’s guest today on The Learn True Health Podcast.  Oleg is an expert in the healing properties of cannabis, and his business, Green Bloom For Humanity, is leading the industry in developing RAW, non-psychoactive cannabinoids. “Don’t get high, get healthy” is Green Bloom’s motto.  Oleg helps Ashley and his audience understand the significance of cannabis.  The lay person thinks that marijuana is just trouble, causing highs that lead to addiction and run-ins with the law. However, consumed in raw form, it is not just a medicine, it is also a supplement.  Cannabis can supplement 40 types of food groups and all vitamins, enhancing their curative capacities. Cannabis has been used for its profound therapeutic value for centuries. As a matter of fact he found cannabis mentioned 66 times in the Old Testament.  With his cannabis protocol he has helped a final stage cancer patient attain full remission after having been released from the hospital to die.  Oleg goes deep into th