Learn True Health With Ashley James

12 Surgery Without Pain Medication with Roberta Fernandez and Ashley James on The Learn True Health Podcast



Ashley’s guest today is Roberta Fernandez, a certified hypnotist.  She uses hypnotherapy and NLP to help her clients overcome issues such as chronic pain, surgery recovery, smoking cessation and reducing hunger during dieting. Roberta knew she wanted to help others with hypnosis after she was able to eliminate her arthritis pain completely, and again when she was able to recover from a double knee replacement surgery, using only self-hypnosis to manage the pain. She calculated that with the help of self-hypnosis as her way of pain elimination she was able to avoid taking over 180 capsules of oxycodone and prevent pain medication addiction and side-effects!“There are NO side-effects with hypnosis!” Roberta shares. Here’s What You’ll Discover:•    A hypnotist helps you find your own answers and looks to empower you.•    Hypnosis or trance is a natural state of mind.•    Self-hypnosis is the tool you can use to enforce positive behaviors and results like weight loss and pain management. •    Hypnosis focuses on