Learn True Health With Ashley James

00 Introduction To Learn True Health With Ashley James



Hello, True Health Seekers and welcome to Episode Zero of The Learn True Health Podcast! I am honored to have you listening to our show. Episode 0 is my opportunity to introduce myself, tell you a little bit about the show, and set the stage for what you can expect in upcoming episodes of Learn True Health.   If you don’t know me, I’m a huge supporter and believer in holistic health. I have spent many years in what some call the “alternative” health arena. At age 6 I saw my first Naturopathic Doctor and through my whole youth, my family and I were gluten and dairy free, long before it was cool, or easy. I grew up on gross tasting supplements and herbal concoctions, eating fruit instead of fruit loops and carob instead of chocolate. In our household, we drank filtered water, not soda pop. And if a cold was going around we never caught it. I was so healthy following my naturopath's advice as a child, but I took that for granted because I didn’t know any better. While my friends ate Nutella sandwiches on white W