Raise Your Hand Say Yes With Tiffany Han

Ep. 101: Jessica Morgan & Heather Cocks (aka the Fug Girls) on the Creative Process



This week, I got to sit down with Jessica Morgan and Heather Cocks, the writers behind Go Fug Yourself and one of my favorite books The Royal We, for Raise Your Hand Say Yes.  In this episode, we go behind the scenes of what it's really like to run a super glam celebrity fashion website and write an amazing novel. (Hint: there's a lot of hard work involved. And diet cokes! And compression socks!) (Hint #2: Laughter helps a lot.)  You'll hear how Heather and Jessica have evolved their voices on Go Fug Yourself through the years, how they got The Royal We written collaboratively, what they learned from the earlier books they wrote, and their tips for anyone who's feeling shy about putting their work out into the world.  And, of course, we talk about Hamilton. Heather and Jessica, thank you so much for making the time to share your stories!!    Show Notes: Go Fug Yourself The Royal We Spoiled Messy  The Fug Awards  BrandCrush Join the RYHSY fb group & Get your Cheat Sheet