Raise Your Hand Say Yes With Tiffany Han

Ep. 35: Jen Louden on Vulnerability



Ah, how I love Jen Louden. I first met Jen a few years ago at WDS after my Teahouse studio-mate Stef had told me, "Jen Louden is there. You have to meet her and convince her to come teach at Teahouse." So, me being me, I saw her talking to a mutual friend, walked up and introduced myself, "Hi. I'm Tiffany. I hear you're awesome. I have a workshop space in Berkeley and we'd love for you to come teach there." Mysterious, I am not. And, lo and behold, that #raiseyourhandsayyes moment led to Jen coming to teach at Teahouse. Huh, isn't it amazing how sometimes you actually do get what you ask for? Right. It can be super simple if you let it. This week, I got to talk to Jen all about getting vulnerable. Which is a hot topic these days and a word that gets tossed about all the time, so I wanted to dig into what vulnerability really means and how you can tap into your own. It's all about getting started, and I love Jen's take on it. We also talk about what to do when your creative work feels hard and when to dig in y